Patient Referance Group (PRG)

Establishing PRG

The practice approached different users (patients) to be involved in the Patient Reference Group (PRG) function. The method used was to involve different users by age group, sex and ethnic origin. We decided to keep the number to 6 people to make the group functional with the ability of decision making and easily developed robust people to share the practice function in the new reformed NHS.

With this in mind a number of people were approached, and 6 people were happy to engage with such function: It included 2 senior members of the community, 1 who provides a local service through the Salvation Army, 1 African, 1 Kosovan and a young mother with NHS links.

PRG History

The PRG was established in late January but due to commitments had its inaugural meeting on the 7th March 2012.

During the meeting Basil Hainsworth explained the purpose of the PRG in detail as well as the terms of reference and how the practice will communicate with the group.

The group were happy with the lay out of the website and acknowledged the simplicity, clarity and easy to navigate site. The group then discussed the patient survey including the areas it would cover. They were all in agreement with the simple, easy to answer survey and in particular the areas that were covered including access, trust and taking into account the demographics of patients.

It was generally felt that the group is very representative of the practice population having 2 senior members of the community who were involved in several local projects. It also involves the presence of representatives from different ethnic origins and a young mother who is also involved in services for the pregnant and young mothers. There was a general agreement that the patient survey would be a starting point for the group and in time they will be involved more in identifying practice population needs and how the practice takes this into account in informing the commissioning process for the City of Leicester.

The group met on a quarterly basis to discuss NHS updates, future changes within local and national health communities. On an annual basis the practice survey was agreed, and the results analysed and actions put in place.

During the Covid pandemic the PRG were unable to meet and sadly during the past 2 years several of our members have either passed away or are no longer able to participate.

It is anticipated this group will be formed at a PCN level. We are currently awaiting central
direction about this.